Episode 7

Let's Define What You Really Want (or Need) In a Podcast Editor

What are you REALLY looking for in a podcast editor?It's time to get specific. If you want to take the work we've been doing and turn it into a list of what you want (and need), this is the episode for you.

Over the past few episodes, we've laid the groundwork to help you understand and communicate what you're looking for.

  • Gone through the process of imagining what the ideal future might look like
  • Identified some things that are falling from your plate
  • Defined what STYLE of editing you're looking for
  • Hiighlighted some roadblocks and constraints

Now it's time to do two things: consider other (non-editing) services and trim down the list. You'll want to use the notes you've been taking over the past few episodes and listen for a few ideas, as well as some thoughts about how to trim the list down and prioritize it.

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Hiring a Podcast Editor website

Mentioned in this episode:

Try Boomcaster for your podcast recording and streaming.

If you're going to record your podcast while streaming live with cohosts or guests, you need a way to capture great recordings. Boomcaster offers an excellent livestreaming experience, and also captures high-quality audio and video recordings. You can pre-schedule your livestreams to Facebook, YouTube, or LinkedIn. Or all of them if you would like. Use the promo code 'TOPTIER' or the link in the show notes to get 20% off your purchase. And if you do that, you'll also be helping the show (and I'd appreciate that). Boomcaster is what I recommend to capture a great recording while streaming.


Sponsored by Top Tier Audio

Check out Top Tier Audio! We offer professional podcast production for coaches, trainers, and consultants.

Top Tier Audio

15 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Podcast Editor

If you want to get the clarity you need to avoid a hiring mistake with your podcast, you will want to grab this free guide. No email required. We just want you to make the best decisionfor yourself and your show.

15 Questions Download

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OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
Bryan Entzminger:

What are you really looking for in a podcast editor?

Bryan Entzminger:

It's time to get specific.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you wanna take the work that we've been doing over the last few episodes and turn it into a list of what you want and need.

Bryan Entzminger:

This is the episode for you.

Bryan Entzminger:

Welcome to Hiring a Podcast Editor.

Bryan Entzminger:

My name is Bryan Entzminger.

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm a podcast, editor and manager at TopTierAudio.com.

Bryan Entzminger:

This show is intended to help you be able to find the right podcast editor for you.

Bryan Entzminger:

Whether you're looking for your first editor or your next editor in season one, we're gonna help you get

Bryan Entzminger:

clarity on what you really want before you start connecting with editors and then provide you with

Bryan Entzminger:

the tools to make the right decision for yourself.

Bryan Entzminger:

This show is sponsored by TopTierAudio.com, where we provide podcast production services for

Bryan Entzminger:

multi-passionate coaches, trainers, and consultants.

Bryan Entzminger:

Be sure to stick around to the end, and I'll tell you how you can get a free tool to help you organize

Bryan Entzminger:

your thoughts and make sure you don't miss anything.

Bryan Entzminger:

Welcome back to Hiring a Podcast Editor.

Bryan Entzminger:

I appreciate you being here and I really hope this show is helping you to clear the fog a little and get a firm

Bryan Entzminger:

handle on what you're looking for in a podcast editor over the last few episodes, we've laid the groundwork to help

Bryan Entzminger:

you to understand and communicate what you're looking for.

Bryan Entzminger:

And if you've missed those episodes, I would recommend that you go back and go through those because this is designed to help.

Bryan Entzminger:

Lay that foundation.

Bryan Entzminger:

And then we're trying to move this forward.

Bryan Entzminger:

So this is the next in the series over the last few episodes, we've gone through a process of imagining

Bryan Entzminger:

what that ideal future might look like for you.

Bryan Entzminger:

We've identified some things that maybe are falling off of your plate or just not getting done.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

We've identified what style of editing you're looking for, and we've also highlighted some roadblocks and

Bryan Entzminger:

constraints, but now it's time for us to do two things.

Bryan Entzminger:

The first is we're going to take a little bit of time considering any other non-ED editing services we might need.

Bryan Entzminger:

And then we're gonna start trimming down the list.

Bryan Entzminger:

We've spent the last few episodes, brainstorming ideas.

Bryan Entzminger:

We've really been in brainstorming mode, but now it's time for us to begin calling that list down just a little bit.

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm gonna start.

Bryan Entzminger:

The non-ED editing services.

Bryan Entzminger:

Now, if you've been going through this process, you probably already have some of this work started.

Bryan Entzminger:

In fact, the work that you've done is probably going to be more valuable for you than what I'm gonna share with you today.

Bryan Entzminger:

So I would recommend that if you've got notes, go back to those and refer to those.

Bryan Entzminger:

However, on the off chance that you might have missed something, or you maybe just want to hear

Bryan Entzminger:

what I've got to say, I'm gonna share a few different ideas of non-ED editing things that you might.

Bryan Entzminger:

Some of these are gonna be things that editors might do.

Bryan Entzminger:

Some of these might be things that producers or podcast managers do, but I'm gonna go through this list because

Bryan Entzminger:

this will hopefully help you to identify some of the other things that you might be looking for as you

Bryan Entzminger:

consider what that ideal future might look like for you.

Bryan Entzminger:

And I'm gonna break 'em down into a few categor.

Bryan Entzminger:

First up.

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm thinking about audio.

Bryan Entzminger:

We've already talked about editing, but there are other things that can be done.

Bryan Entzminger:

For example, sound design or composition or advanced audio repair.

Bryan Entzminger:

I tend to think that these are complimentary to editing, but they're not.

Bryan Entzminger:

Strictly editing.

Bryan Entzminger:

So those might be things that you're interested in thinking about sound repair.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you tend to record in less than ideal situations because of the nature of your show or how you

Bryan Entzminger:

capture the audio, that might be something that you want to look into as part of a service offering.

Bryan Entzminger:

So that.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you get something that's recorded, not as well as you would've hoped the person you're working

Bryan Entzminger:

with might be able to help restore some of that.

Bryan Entzminger:

Now just be aware that these other value added services do come at a cost.

Bryan Entzminger:

And so if you can, I'm always gonna suggest that you bias toward capturing a great recording.

Bryan Entzminger:

But if you think that there's the possibility that audio repair might be.

Bryan Entzminger:

Maybe add that to your list of things you might be looking for beyond audio.

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm also thinking about video, right?

Bryan Entzminger:

Podcasts can be video and I'm not just talking about YouTube.

Bryan Entzminger:

Podcasts can be video, not all media hosts support those, but they can be video.

Bryan Entzminger:

So do you need somebody that can do video editing for you?

Bryan Entzminger:

Do you need somebody who can create those audiograms or those moving wave graphics?

Bryan Entzminger:

What about graphic design?

Bryan Entzminger:

Do you need somebody that can help with design?

Bryan Entzminger:

Episode specific artwork, maybe for social media, maybe for a blog post, maybe custom

Bryan Entzminger:

artwork for in-app displays, that kind of thing.

Bryan Entzminger:

What might you be looking for in terms of that?

Bryan Entzminger:

Or are you looking for any of that?

Bryan Entzminger:

Again, you may not find this in an editor, but some editors offer these kinds of things.

Bryan Entzminger:

We've also got things like consulting, or maybe even bordering on a producer role.

Bryan Entzminger:

Do you need somebody who can do technical consulting for you?

Bryan Entzminger:

Who can help you with your audio or technical aspects of your show?

Bryan Entzminger:

What about content strategy?

Bryan Entzminger:

Do you want somebody who can help you define your content strategy and maybe suggest.

Bryan Entzminger:

Topics or things like that.

Bryan Entzminger:

Those are things to consider.

Bryan Entzminger:

What about scripting and story design?

Bryan Entzminger:

Do you need somebody who can help you craft a story out of what you've created depending on the kind of show you have,

Bryan Entzminger:

that might be something that would be important to you?

Bryan Entzminger:

I, I would also suggest that maybe even transcriptions might be important to you, especially when you start

Bryan Entzminger:

thinking about things like accessibility, for people who are hearing impaired, or maybe just prefer to be able to read.

Bryan Entzminger:

Are you looking for somebody who can offer you transcriptions?

Bryan Entzminger:

And sort of beyond just transcriptions, there's also other elements of writing.

Bryan Entzminger:

Do you need somebody who can do some writing for you like titles and teaser or episode descriptions?

Bryan Entzminger:

What about blog posts?

Bryan Entzminger:

Do you need someone who can actually function as a high level copywriter to help you write copy to

Bryan Entzminger:

promote your show on social media, or maybe help you write your email newsletter or things like that?

Bryan Entzminger:

Do you need somebody who can help you with the writing and.

Bryan Entzminger:

It's not necessary that you're going to fund all of this in one person, but let's get it all out on the table because we're

Bryan Entzminger:

gonna start after we do this, calling that list back down.

Bryan Entzminger:

What about administrative things?

Bryan Entzminger:

If you're a very busy business owner or nonprofit leader or something like that, there's a chance

Bryan Entzminger:

that you don't actually have the time available that you would like to invest in your show.

Bryan Entzminger:

So do you need somebody who can help you with things like.

Bryan Entzminger:

Booking guests, or maybe helping you to get booked as a guest or maybe with some PR or some outreach.

Bryan Entzminger:

What about somebody who can help you with marketing or understanding your stats?

Bryan Entzminger:

What about somebody who can upload and schedule your publications of the, the blog posts?

Bryan Entzminger:

If you have those social media calendar, if you have one of those help you schedule your email

Bryan Entzminger:

newsletter, what about scheduling your podcast?

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

All of those are things that can be value added services.

Bryan Entzminger:

And if those are things that you're looking.

Bryan Entzminger:

Then I would suggest that you consider those hi there I'm popping in for just a second to tell you about boom caster.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you're going to be recording your podcast while streaming live, either with a co-host or with guests

Bryan Entzminger:

or something like that, you're gonna need a service that does that and gives you high quality recordings

Bryan Entzminger:

and boom caster is a great service for that.

Bryan Entzminger:

They offer an excellent live stream experience.

Bryan Entzminger:

And super high quality audio and video recordings.

Bryan Entzminger:

So later you can edit those into your final podcast episode.

Bryan Entzminger:

You can find them@boomcaster.com or click the link in the episode notes.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you use that, you'll also get a discount on your purchase and your purchase will benefit the show.

Bryan Entzminger:

So I'd really appreciate that.

Bryan Entzminger:

Boom caster is what I recommend for you to capture those great recordings for your podcast.

Bryan Entzminger:

Now that we've thought through a few of the things that we.

Bryan Entzminger:

Might want to add to the list to kind of create as best we can.

Bryan Entzminger:

That comprehensive list of the things that we're looking for potentially in an editor.

Bryan Entzminger:

Now it's time to start thinking about how we can trim this list down.

Bryan Entzminger:

You've gone through your dreaming process, where you thought through what the ideal future might look like for you.

Bryan Entzminger:

We've made a lot of notes about things that you'd like some help with about the structure of your show, all of that kind of.

Bryan Entzminger:

Now it's time to start trimming that stuff down.

Bryan Entzminger:

So I'm gonna ask you to pull out your notes and we're just gonna start going through those.

Bryan Entzminger:

And this is something that you can do on your own, but essentially what you're gonna do is just start not.

Bryan Entzminger:

What things are the most important to you?

Bryan Entzminger:

They might all be important, but which ones are the most important?

Bryan Entzminger:

Are there any that are critical?

Bryan Entzminger:

Are there any that you might consider a deal breaker?

Bryan Entzminger:

Are there some that might be nice to have?

Bryan Entzminger:

Are there others that you go?

Bryan Entzminger:

Yeah, that sounded great, but I don't really care about those and it's okay.

Bryan Entzminger:

If not everything makes it cut, but it's time to start going through that and prioritizing that.

Bryan Entzminger:

And then start thinking through if I'm working on.

Bryan Entzminger:

Call it three year horizon where I'm trying to build toward that future, that I'm looking for.

Bryan Entzminger:

How might these fit together in a sequence?

Bryan Entzminger:

What things need to happen now?

Bryan Entzminger:

What are the things that are the most important?

Bryan Entzminger:

Now that will start to set me up for that future that I'm looking for?

Bryan Entzminger:

What are the things that I think maybe it's too early for like start noting those?

Bryan Entzminger:

What do I think could happen this year?

Bryan Entzminger:

What do I think could happen next year?

Bryan Entzminger:

What do I think could happen the next year after that?

Bryan Entzminger:

Until you've got an idea of how this.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

Now I wanna say right often you're probably already thinking this.

Bryan Entzminger:

There's almost no chance that this is gonna work out exactly as I've written it down and that's okay.

Bryan Entzminger:

You might hop on a call with an editor and discover that something you thought was gonna take you three years to get to.

Bryan Entzminger:

They can help you bring that forward right now.

Bryan Entzminger:

That's okay.

Bryan Entzminger:

You might also discover that something you thought could happen right now.

Bryan Entzminger:

Maybe it's a little bit too soon for that.

Bryan Entzminger:

That's also okay.

Bryan Entzminger:

What's important is that you have.

Bryan Entzminger:

Framework of understanding of how you're hoping this will progress so that as you begin having these

Bryan Entzminger:

discussions, you have something to not only compare the editors that you're talking with against each other,

Bryan Entzminger:

cuz you're gonna talk to more than one editor, right?

Bryan Entzminger:

You're gonna, you're gonna talk to more than one person to make sure you're getting the right person.

Bryan Entzminger:

You're also gonna wanna compare what you're talking about with them, to what you're hoping might happen so that you can notice

Bryan Entzminger:

the things that they might bring to the table that can help.

Bryan Entzminger:

Maybe achieve your goal a little more quickly, and you'll notice the things that might drag

Bryan Entzminger:

things down slower than you were hoping for.

Bryan Entzminger:

All of this is just gonna become part of the recipe that helps you find the right person.

Bryan Entzminger:

But this is a very important step to determine what matters, what doesn't matter, what matters a little, and then to

Bryan Entzminger:

try and develop that sequence of how things would flow.

Bryan Entzminger:

Now when you finish this, , it's probably gonna be pretty eye opening.

Bryan Entzminger:

When you start thinking about how much you might be able to accomplish in a period of two to three years, it can also seem

Bryan Entzminger:

overwhelming if you try to cram everything into that first year.

Bryan Entzminger:

So give yourself a little bit of grace as you go through this and kind of think that stuff through when we come

Bryan Entzminger:

back next time, we're gonna take just the tiniest bit of a side step from what we're doing here and just talk.

Bryan Entzminger:

The kind of person you might want to be working with.

Bryan Entzminger:

And what I'm gonna suggest here is that you look at the next episode as an opportunity to expand

Bryan Entzminger:

your horizons around what might be possible.

Bryan Entzminger:

And then to start to clarify exactly what kind of person you want to be able to work with, because that will

Bryan Entzminger:

then continue to move you forward towards the next step.

Bryan Entzminger:

This all.

Bryan Entzminger:

Builds on itself.

Bryan Entzminger:

I do wanna say if you've made it to the end, thank you so much for being here.

Bryan Entzminger:

I really do hope this has been useful for you.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you have any questions about this, if something was confusing or something seemed redundant or whatever

Bryan Entzminger:

I would love to hear from you, you can email me.

Bryan Entzminger:

My email is Bryan@TopTierAudio.com.

Bryan Entzminger:

I really would love to hear from you, especially if you have questions where I might be able to help

Bryan Entzminger:

you make sure that you're finding the right person.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you'd like to be able to get the clarity you need in order to avoid making a hiring mistake, be sure to download our

Bryan Entzminger:

guide 15 questions to ask before hiring a podcast editor, you can find it at HireAPodcastEditor.com/15questions,

Bryan Entzminger:

and it'll be linked up in the show notes.

Bryan Entzminger:

It's totally free.

Bryan Entzminger:

We don't require an email address or anything like that.

Bryan Entzminger:

We just want to make sure that you have the tools that you need to make the right decision for you.

Bryan Entzminger:

That guide has the questions we'll talk about on this show.

Bryan Entzminger:

Some instructions and suggestions.

Bryan Entzminger:

Even a place to take notes.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you wanna get even more out of it, though, be sure to subscribe to this show at HireAPodcastEditor.com/listen

Bryan Entzminger:

and share it with the rest of your team.

Bryan Entzminger:

Your work is important.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

Go out there and make a great podcast.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Hiring a Podcast Editor
Hiring a Podcast Editor
Hire an Editor With Confidence

About your host

Profile picture for Bryan Entzminger

Bryan Entzminger

Analyst by day. Podcast editor by night. Usually caffeinated. Husband, father, Jesus-follower all the time. Cohost of Podcast Editors Mastermind and The Podcast Gauntlet.