Episode 4

What's Keeping You From Your Perfect Podcast Future?

What does knowing what you want your podcast to look like have to do with hiring the right podcast editor?

Well, arguably, we're going to tackle a pretty broad topic today, and not every bit of it will apply. But I'm going to ask you to allow yourself the opportunity to expand your perspective a bit, because we're going to dig into that perfect magic wand future that we talked about in the last episode, and start to identify what's standing in our way.

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Listen to discover

  • The two most common categories of roadblocks
  • Which roadblocks you might want to accept
  • Why there should always be a gap between your expectations and your skill


Links & Resources

Links & Resources

  • Engaging Missions Show - This is the show that I was producing at the time that I brought on my first podcast editor. It's on an indefinite hiatus, primarily because editing was taking over my life and this show was costing money rather than making money.
  • 1,000 Podcasters - I launched this solo show primarily to get some practice in storytelling and solo hosting. It eventually gathered a bit of an audience, but I made the choice to stop producing it because my calendar was too full, and I needed to prioritize some things that were more important - like faith and family (and sleep).
  • YaYa Podcasting - This is my friend Carrie. She offered a short course on how to edit dialog for scripted podcasts that I took because I always want to be growing and improving.

Listen to Hiring a Podcast Editor

Hiring a Podcast Editor website

Mentioned in this episode:

15 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Podcast Editor

If you want to get the clarity you need to avoid a hiring mistake with your podcast, you will want to grab this free guide. No email required. We just want you to make the best decisionfor yourself and your show.

15 Questions Download

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OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
Bryan Entzminger:

Has this ever described you, maybe, you know what you want your podcast to look like when it grows

Bryan Entzminger:

up or maybe six months from now, but you're not there.

Bryan Entzminger:

If that does describe you.

Bryan Entzminger:

You're probably gonna want to spend a little bit of time considering the things we're gonna talk about today so

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that you can help move your podcast toward its potential.

Bryan Entzminger:

Welcome to hiring a podcast editor.

Bryan Entzminger:

My name is Bryan Entzminger.

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm a podcast, editor and manager at TopTierAudio.com.

Bryan Entzminger:

This show is intended to help you be able to find the right podcast editor for you.

Bryan Entzminger:

Whether you're looking for your first editor or your next editor in season one, we're gonna help you get

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clarity on what you really want before you start connecting with editors and then provide you with

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the tools to make the right decision for yourself.

Bryan Entzminger:

This show is sponsored by Top Tier Audio.com where we provide podcast production services for

Bryan Entzminger:

multi-passionate coaches, trainers, and consultants.

Bryan Entzminger:

Be sure to stick around to the end, and I'll tell you how you can get a free tool to help you organize

Bryan Entzminger:

your thoughts and make sure you don't miss anything.

Bryan Entzminger:

So you might be wondering what does it matter?

Bryan Entzminger:

That I know that I want my podcast to look like when it grows up.

Bryan Entzminger:

When I think about hiring a podcast editor.

Bryan Entzminger:

You could certainly make the case that we're gonna tackle a pretty broad topic today and not every bit of it will

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apply specifically to a podcast editor, but I'm gonna ask you to allow yourself the opportunity to expand

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your perspective again, because of a couple things.

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One is.

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Because if you're gonna start bringing on an editor, you need to start thinking about your show, like a producer.

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And if you haven't already done that, you're going to need to expand your thinking.

Bryan Entzminger:

But also because as we start to dig into that magic wander, that perfect future that we talked about in the last episode, we're

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gonna start identifying some things that are standing in the way.

Bryan Entzminger:

In fact, I'll even go so far as to say that if you haven't already done that bit of work, I'm gonna

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suggest that you pause this episode, go back at least one episode and do that bit of work and then come.

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I'll be here when you get back.

Bryan Entzminger:

So the goal for today is to take a look at that ideal future that we've already started to define.

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We've already gone through that in the first few episodes, and we're gonna start to identify

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what's getting in the way of getting there.

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What's stopping you right now.

Bryan Entzminger:

And also maybe some hurdles that you might see coming up, I'm gonna share some thoughts and maybe

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some general areas that you want to consider.

Bryan Entzminger:

But the more important thing is for you to continue building on the work that you've been doing for you to take that

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ideal future that you've started to define, and then to go through this process and think through those things where

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there might be gaps between what you'd like to see and what you're seeing right now, in terms of this, I'm gonna ask

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you to maybe think about some things that are internal.

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And some things are external and of course don't feel constrained by what I'm sharing.

Bryan Entzminger:

There's certainly more to do.

Bryan Entzminger:

And this is similar to some of our brainstorming from before.

Bryan Entzminger:

Don't take the time to edit things out and start excluding things or whatever, just think through all of the

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things that might be potentially standing in the way.

Bryan Entzminger:

And then as you go through this further, you'll start to identify which ones you want to address.

Bryan Entzminger:

And I want to say again, just because we're gonna talk about things that.

Bryan Entzminger:

Affect an editor doesn't mean it doesn't matter because as you start producing your show and approaching it like a

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producer, you're going to want to make sure that when you start bringing people into your team, that you see the potential

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in them to potentially go beyond their current scope of work so they can grow with you as you continue to grow your show.

Bryan Entzminger:

So focusing on the things that are internal, maybe there are some things that are standing in your way that have to do with vision.

Bryan Entzminger:

Maybe you don't really see a clear.

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Of the future.

Bryan Entzminger:

And you might want to consider then going back to the first few episodes of this show and refining that vision.

Bryan Entzminger:

Now don't let that hold you up.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you're waiting to launch a show until you get that perfect vision, it's not going to happen because the

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thing about vision is you might have an idea where you want to go, but as you continue walking the path

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it's going to become more clear is you get closer.

Bryan Entzminger:

So don't let the fact that it's not a perfect vision hold you back.

Bryan Entzminger:

But at the same time, if you don't really know, maybe make sure that you're putting a little bit more time into that.

Bryan Entzminger:

You might also.

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Held back by fear, maybe there's fear of success or fear of failure or fear of what somebody will think of

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you, or fear that something that you say will affect somebody's life and they might blame you for something

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like all of those are potentially legitimate fears.

Bryan Entzminger:

You might just, you know, depending on the topic of your show, you might be fearful of putting your opinion out there.

Bryan Entzminger:

So that might be something that's either standing in your Fu in your way right now, holding you back.

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Allowing yourself and your show to grow into what it's intended to be, or it could be

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something that you see coming on the horizon.

Bryan Entzminger:

You might also find yourself, maybe held back by overwhelmed.

Bryan Entzminger:

Maybe you just feel overwhelmed by the list of things.

Bryan Entzminger:

Maybe you've gone into a Facebook group and you've said, Hey, what do I need to do to launch a podcast?

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And you've got 200 and now you're going, okay.

Bryan Entzminger:

That's great.

Bryan Entzminger:

But what am I supposed to do with all of this?

Bryan Entzminger:

That could be something that's standing in your way.

Bryan Entzminger:

You could also maybe be stuck, maybe.

Bryan Entzminger:

You're already producing a show and the process of producing it the time it takes the things that go into it are

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standing in your way in terms of taking that next step.

Bryan Entzminger:

If that's the case, that's probably what brought you to the idea of hiring a podcast editor.

Bryan Entzminger:

And I totally get that.

Bryan Entzminger:

I've certainly been in that place as well.

Bryan Entzminger:

And it's something that you want to consider.

Bryan Entzminger:

You might also have maybe something related to your production schedule.

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Maybe the thing that seems like it's standing in.

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Is the fact that you feel committed to producing a show a week or two shows a week or two shows a month or whatever that is.

Bryan Entzminger:

And because of that production cycle, you feel like you can't actually take whatever that next step is that you want to take.

Bryan Entzminger:

It might also be something where there's a gap in your knowledge or your skill, maybe.

Bryan Entzminger:

You see yourself in the future as a host that you are not yet.

Bryan Entzminger:

And that's okay.

Bryan Entzminger:

There should always be a gap between your taste and your ability.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you ever get to the place where you're completely satisfied with your performance, then I would ask you.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you might want to consider identifying something new to aspire to, because as a creator, as an artist, you

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always want to continue to grow, not so that you can necessarily beat everybody else, but so that you can

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continue to grow and continue to deliver better things.

Bryan Entzminger:

This is something that's affected me.

Bryan Entzminger:

I've been editing for money now for several years, but there are still things that I don't know.

Bryan Entzminger:

There are still things that I can't do.

Bryan Entzminger:

I know that I shared in a previous episode about how I went through a, a training class.

Bryan Entzminger:

Editing scripted podcast.

Bryan Entzminger:

It was put on by my friend, Carrie, over at yay.

Bryan Entzminger:

Y podcasting.com.

Bryan Entzminger:

And I went through that class.

Bryan Entzminger:

Not because I have.

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Shows that are necessarily doing that kind of thing, but because I wanted to continue to refine and gather that

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knowledge and that skill and build that up in myself and I continue to do that kind of thing all the time.

Bryan Entzminger:

As an editor, I'm constantly watching videos around audio things and around the various things that are

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relevant to me so that I can, can continue to grow.

Bryan Entzminger:

And now that I, I even have a client where I'm doing a little bit of script preparation and some things like that.

Bryan Entzminger:

So I'm spending time learning a little bit more about copywriting and learning more.

Bryan Entzminger:

Scripted dialogue.

Bryan Entzminger:

Like I just shared because all of that helps me to continue to grow.

Bryan Entzminger:

Maybe there's a knowledge gap or something like that.

Bryan Entzminger:

That's holding you back.

Bryan Entzminger:

Of course, there might be other things as well, but begin writing those things down, make a list of those things.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you've already grabbed that, download that we have available for you.

Bryan Entzminger:

And there'll be a link for you at the end, if you don't already have that, but use that download so that you

Bryan Entzminger:

can make sure that you're getting that information.

Bryan Entzminger:

Hi there.

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm dropping in for just a second to tell you about captivate.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you're launching a podcast, you're going to need a podcast.

Bryan Entzminger:

Media host, and captivate is the one that I recommend for the serious independent creator.

Bryan Entzminger:

All plans come with unlimited uploads, unlimited shows and unlimited team members.

Bryan Entzminger:

You can also create a network page and you have the ability to drop in ads like this one and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Bryan Entzminger:

All features are included in every single plan and plans start as low as $20 a month.

Bryan Entzminger:

You can find more information in the episode notes.

Bryan Entzminger:

And if you purchase through that link, not only will you get great hosting, but your purchase will benefit this show.

Bryan Entzminger:

And I'd really appreciate it.

Bryan Entzminger:

Captivate is what I recommend for the serious independent creator.

Bryan Entzminger:

So we talked about a few areas where.

Bryan Entzminger:

Internal things might be standing in your way either now, or maybe there are gaps that you see or hurdles that

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you see in the future, but there also can be external things holding you back or holding back your show.

Bryan Entzminger:

And a few of them that come to mind for me are external commitments.

Bryan Entzminger:

Are there commitments that you have that are holding your show back?

Bryan Entzminger:

And I, I want to pause here for just a second and say that in my.

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Setting aside time for family is not holding your show back.

Bryan Entzminger:

That is a commitment that I would suggest you continue to honor, but there might be commitments that you've made to

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yourself or to someone else, or maybe to your podcast audience, your community that are actually holding your show back.

Bryan Entzminger:

So consider what commitments might be out there.

Bryan Entzminger:

You might.

Bryan Entzminger:

Maybe have time gaps, maybe like me, you work a full time job and you also produce podcasts and do that kind of thing.

Bryan Entzminger:

So maybe time is at a premium, and that could be time being at a premium now, or maybe you see a

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future where maybe the way that you've built your community online is requiring a good bit of your time.

Bryan Entzminger:

And so you see that at some point you won't be able to fulfill all of that.

Bryan Entzminger:

Maybe that's leading you to consider bringing on a community manager or maybe it's bring what

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led you to the idea of bringing on an editor.

Bryan Entzminger:

Maybe you work a full time job, or you have a business and you start to feel that tension that tug between the

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podcast that might be the marketing arm for your business or your nonprofit organization, and also producing the show.

Bryan Entzminger:

Conversely, maybe you see this thing that you want to be able to produce and you know, that the best way to the fastest way

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to do that, maybe not the best way, but the fastest way to do.

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Is to invest money if you don't have time, but you have money, you might want to invest that.

Bryan Entzminger:

Well, maybe you don't have that.

Bryan Entzminger:

And so cost is a consideration.

Bryan Entzminger:

Something that you're worried about, maybe what you want to do is bigger than one person can do.

Bryan Entzminger:

In fact, I would say that for most of us, even though a lot of podcasters tend to be a one person show.

Bryan Entzminger:

Most of us actually could be better if we started bringing more people onto our team because we get

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additional perspectives, we get additional people.

Bryan Entzminger:

And also there's a division of labor now with that comes all kinds of other stuff in terms of team dynamics,

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making sure you have the right people on your team.

Bryan Entzminger:

Totally get that.

Bryan Entzminger:

So team could hold you back in both directions, but I was thinking of this in terms of like, I, I

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don't have all the people that I need when I think.

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All of these external things.

Bryan Entzminger:

And some of these are maybe even things that you took on yourself.

Bryan Entzminger:

This has also been something that's affected me in the past.

Bryan Entzminger:

At one point I had two shows that I was producing at the same time while I was working full time and had a

Bryan Entzminger:

family, and also had some podcasts that I was editing.

Bryan Entzminger:

And I got to the place where at one point I had to actually shut down the engaging missions show.

Bryan Entzminger:

And also another show that I had launched called 1000 podcasters.

Bryan Entzminger:

Now the engaging missions show is an interview.

Bryan Entzminger:

I had gone from weekly to once every other week.

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And then eventually I had to pause that show.

Bryan Entzminger:

I think I've produced two episodes in the last three years, so it's definitely not in production.

Bryan Entzminger:

1000 podcasters actually started as a challenge related to a course that I was taking.

Bryan Entzminger:

And then I took on another challenge to do it daily for a little while.

Bryan Entzminger:

And ultimately I ended up having to shut both of those down because my production business was taking.

Bryan Entzminger:

And for me, making sure that I treat my day job with integrity and also produce podcasts well, and also honor

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my family and my other commitments was very important.

Bryan Entzminger:

And so I felt like I had to shut those two things down.

Bryan Entzminger:

And that's one of the actions that I took to make sure that I was making the most of that.

Bryan Entzminger:

Now that may not at all apply to you, but think through those.

Bryan Entzminger:

Commitments think through the, the cost and identify what those potential hurdles, either the things that might be

Bryan Entzminger:

a hurdle for you right now, or things that you foresee as a potential and just start making a list of those things.

Bryan Entzminger:

We're gonna talk about what to do with that list later.

Bryan Entzminger:

Don't worry about that right now.

Bryan Entzminger:

We're just trying to go through the process of identifying.

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The future that we want.

Bryan Entzminger:

We spent some episodes on that, and then some things that are standing in the way now, as we think about things that might

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be standing in the way next week, we're gonna talk about some other things that might be related to being overcommitted

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or having some gaps in your knowledge or things like that.

Bryan Entzminger:

We're gonna take that a little bit further.

Bryan Entzminger:

So make sure if you haven't already that you subscribe to the show.

Bryan Entzminger:

I think you're gonna want me to hear that.

Bryan Entzminger:

So come back next week.

Bryan Entzminger:

We'll talk about that in the next.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you'd like to be able to get the clarity you need in order to avoid making a hiring mistake, be sure to download our

Bryan Entzminger:

guide 15 questions to ask before hiring a podcast editor, you can find it at HireAPodcastEditor.com/15questions,

Bryan Entzminger:

and it'll be linked up in the show notes.

Bryan Entzminger:

It's totally free.

Bryan Entzminger:

We don't require an email address or anything like that.

Bryan Entzminger:

We just want to make sure that you have the tools that you need to make the right decision for you.

Bryan Entzminger:

That guide has the questions we'll talk about.

Bryan Entzminger:

Show some instructions and suggestions, even a place to take notes.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you want to get even more out of it, though, be sure to subscribe to this show at HireAPodcastEditor.com/listen

Bryan Entzminger:

and share it with the rest of your team.

Bryan Entzminger:

Your work is important.

Bryan Entzminger:


About the Podcast

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Hiring a Podcast Editor
Hire an Editor With Confidence

About your host

Profile picture for Bryan Entzminger

Bryan Entzminger

Bryan Entzminger is the owner of Top Tier Audio, a podcast production company. He's the host of Hiring a Podcast Editor and cohost of the Podcast Gauntlet and the Podcast Editors Mastermind. He's also the founder of the Hindy Users (Unofficial) group for Hindenburg users on Facebook. He loves sharing the lessons he’s learned from his struggles and others he's met along the way so that you can have a podcast that you’re proud of without letting podcast production take over your life.