Episode 12

4 Places You Might Find a Great Podcast Editor

Find a great podcast editor (for you) doesn't start with where you're looking. It starts with knowing what you want and need. That's why we started with that. But where you look is INCREDIBLY important.

If you've been following the process we've talked about in the previous episodes, you already know what you want and need, what you can pay and what you'd prefer your budget to be, and even whether you want to work with an individual, a team, or an agency. Knowing that puts you WAY ahead of the game when you start looking. But where should you look?

Listen to discover 4 general places - or categories of places - you can look.

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Mentioned in this episode:

15 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Podcast Editor

If you want to get the clarity you need to avoid a hiring mistake with your podcast, you will want to grab this free guide. No email required. We just want you to make the best decisionfor yourself and your show.

15 Questions Download

Sponsored by Top Tier Audio

Check out Top Tier Audio! We offer professional podcast production for coaches, trainers, and consultants.

Top Tier Audio

Try Boomcaster for your podcast recording and streaming.

If you're going to record your podcast while streaming live with cohosts or guests, you need a way to capture great recordings. Boomcaster offers an excellent livestreaming experience, and also captures high-quality audio and video recordings. You can pre-schedule your livestreams to Facebook, YouTube, or LinkedIn. Or all of them if you would like. Use the promo code 'TOPTIER' or the link in the show notes to get 20% off your purchase. And if you do that, you'll also be helping the show (and I'd appreciate that). Boomcaster is what I recommend to capture a great recording while streaming.


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OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
Bryan Entzminger:

If you want to find a great podcast editor for you, you need to make

Bryan Entzminger:

sure that you're looking in the right places.

Bryan Entzminger:

Listen to discover four places you should consider.

Bryan Entzminger:

Welcome to Hiring a Podcast Editor.

Bryan Entzminger:

My name is Bryan Entzminger.

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm a podcast editor and manager at TopTierAudio.com.

Bryan Entzminger:

This show is intended to help you be able to find the right podcast editor for you.

Bryan Entzminger:

Whether you're looking for your first editor.

Bryan Entzminger:

Or your next editor in season one, we're going to help you get clarity on what you really want before you

Bryan Entzminger:

start connecting with editors, and then provide you with the tools to make the right decision for yourself.

Bryan Entzminger:

This show is sponsored by TopTierAudio.com, where we provide podcast production services for

Bryan Entzminger:

multi-passionate coaches, trainers, and consultants.

Bryan Entzminger:

Be sure to stick around to the end and I'll tell you how you can get a free tool to help you organize

Bryan Entzminger:

your thoughts and make sure you don't miss anything.

Bryan Entzminger:

Before I get started, I do want to mention that I'm going to be talking about finding a great podcast editor for you, but

Bryan Entzminger:

that actually would also apply for a podcast producer or a podcast manager, somebody involved in servicing your show.

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm just going to call it a podcast editor Now, finding a great podcast editor for you.

Bryan Entzminger:

Doesn't just start with where you're looking.

Bryan Entzminger:

I mentioned that we're going to talk about where you're looking, but it doesn't actually start there.

Bryan Entzminger:

It starts by knowing.

Bryan Entzminger:

What you want and need, and that's why we started with that when I started with this podcast.

Bryan Entzminger:

But also where you look is critically important and I'm going to give you a little bit of a spoiler today.

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm going to share with you some places you might want to consider looking, and some of

Bryan Entzminger:

these places are actually my competition.

Bryan Entzminger:

You might be thinking to yourself, well, you're an editor.

Bryan Entzminger:

Why would you do that?

Bryan Entzminger:

And the reality is, I realize that I'm not the right person.

Bryan Entzminger:

My business is not the right business for everybody that needs a podcast editor.

Bryan Entzminger:

And so, because I want you to make sure that you're finding the right person or the right

Bryan Entzminger:

company for you, I'm going to share some resources.

Bryan Entzminger:

And frankly, some of those are my competition because they might actually.

Bryan Entzminger:

The right choice for you.

Bryan Entzminger:

Now, if you've been following the process we've been discussing for the last 11 episodes, you already probably

Bryan Entzminger:

have a pretty good handle on what you want and need, and you probably already have an idea what you can afford

Bryan Entzminger:

to pay and also what you would like to pay for bringing an editor into your business or into your podcast.

Bryan Entzminger:

You might even have an idea of whether you would prefer to work with an individual or a small team.

Bryan Entzminger:

Full on agency, you've probably got all of that stuff.

Bryan Entzminger:

And so because you know all of that, you're already way ahead of the game when it comes to when you start looking.

Bryan Entzminger:

But then the question becomes, where should you look?

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm going to pause right here.

Bryan Entzminger:

If I'm talking about this and you've not listened to the previous episodes and you don't know those, I would encourage you to go

Bryan Entzminger:

back to episode one and just kind of work through the process.

Bryan Entzminger:

Uh, it's not intended to be tedious, but it is intended to help bring a little bit of clarity.

Bryan Entzminger:

And so I would encourage you to do that today.

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm going to share.

Bryan Entzminger:

For general places or categories of places, in fact, where you can look, and I'm going to share actually some specific options.

Bryan Entzminger:

This is not intended to be an all-inclusive list, but it does include some people that I know and

Bryan Entzminger:

believe would actually be able to take care of you.

Bryan Entzminger:

It's not an exhaustive list.

Bryan Entzminger:

Don't feel constrained by this list and don't assume that these are the only options.

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm just going to share these with you.

Bryan Entzminger:

Here are the four categor.

Bryan Entzminger:

Of places that I think you should consider looking depending on the kind of editor or

Bryan Entzminger:

the kind of business that you're looking for.

Bryan Entzminger:

The first one would be a personal referral or a recommendation.

Bryan Entzminger:

The second would be a web search and editor websites.

Bryan Entzminger:

The third would be using some kind of written application so that you can take advantage of a community or a, a place where people.

Bryan Entzminger:

Looking for work.

Bryan Entzminger:

And then the final would be a freelance marketplace.

Bryan Entzminger:

And I'm going to kind of go through each of these and share a little bit of my perspective on these, and then you'll need

Bryan Entzminger:

to be the one that decides where you're going to go looking.

Bryan Entzminger:

The first one, and I put this first because I think it is potentially the most valuable,

Bryan Entzminger:

would be a referral or a recommendation.

Bryan Entzminger:

And what I'm talking about, a referral or recomme.

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm talking about somebody that you know who has some kind of information or knowledge, and you trust their opinion,

Bryan Entzminger:

and you would go to them and say, I'm looking for an editor.

Bryan Entzminger:

Who do you use or who do you recommend?

Bryan Entzminger:

Typically, this is going to be another podcaster or somebody who's involved in the podcast production process, who

Bryan Entzminger:

knows people, knows their reputation, knows their skill, and can provide you with a high quality recommendation.

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm not saying that you should go to a Facebook group with thousands and thousands of people

Bryan Entzminger:

and say, who should I hire as an editor?

Bryan Entzminger:

Because the reality is if you do that, you might get a good recommendation out of that.

Bryan Entzminger:

But what you will also likely get is hundreds of dms from people saying, Hey, I can edit your show or look at what I can do, and.

Bryan Entzminger:

That might seem great, but it's also pretty overwhelming to try and weed through all of that.

Bryan Entzminger:

So when I say referral or recommendation, I'm talking about a recommendation from a person or from some

Bryan Entzminger:

people that you know and that you trust their opinions.

Bryan Entzminger:

Now, the danger of this, of course, is that you're getting a limited set because.

Bryan Entzminger:

I don't know everybody.

Bryan Entzminger:

The people you're talking to probably don't know everybody either, but this is a good way to get a

Bryan Entzminger:

recommendation from somebody you know, or trust.

Bryan Entzminger:

So that's option number one.

Bryan Entzminger:

The second one, and I think this is kind of next on my list, is going through some editor websites or podcast

Bryan Entzminger:

producer websites, and this might involve a Google search.

Bryan Entzminger:

What you're looking for here is going to be pretty dependent on whether you want to work with an agency

Bryan Entzminger:

or an individual, but I would just maybe recommend going and looking for podcast editor websites.

Bryan Entzminger:

You could also potentially go through some of the Facebook groups and see if there are

Bryan Entzminger:

editors who are providing value in those groups.

Bryan Entzminger:

And then look and see if they have a website, if they offer services.

Bryan Entzminger:

See if those are something that you might be interested in.

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm going to give you a list here.

Bryan Entzminger:

This is a very short list of a few people that I know who might be options for you.

Bryan Entzminger:

The first one.

Bryan Entzminger:

Is me, right TopTierAudio.com is where I am.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you're looking for somebody to edit your podcast, I'd be glad to talk to you.

Bryan Entzminger:

Also, my friend Carrie, over@yayapodcasting.com.

Bryan Entzminger:

She does a lot of narrative style or scripted podcasts where she does dialogue editing and some sound design.

Bryan Entzminger:

She's got a lot of cool stuff going over there.

Bryan Entzminger:

My friend Jennifer over at Bourbon Barrel Podcasting, she focus.

Bryan Entzminger:

Particularly on the community of podcasters from Kentucky, but you can find her at Bourbon Peril Podcasting, and

Bryan Entzminger:

all of these are going to be linked up in the show notes.

Bryan Entzminger:

My friend Daniel over@rothmedia.audio offers podcast production for coaches.

Bryan Entzminger:

And so I would recommend that you check him out if you're a coach or a consultant.

Bryan Entzminger:

And then if you're looking for something more on the agency side or a larger team, my

Bryan Entzminger:

friend Mike Wilkerson runs Editor Core, which.

Bryan Entzminger:

Editor core.com.

Bryan Entzminger:

Again, all of this is linked up in the show notes.

Bryan Entzminger:

So if you're looking for somebody with a team or a a larger agency style business, I would recommend that you talk to him.

Bryan Entzminger:

There are certainly more people, but those are some of the specific individual people or websites that I might recommend.

Bryan Entzminger:

That would be worth checking out, but that's the next place.

Bryan Entzminger:

The third category of places is where you might want to put together an application.

Bryan Entzminger:

Now, this could take a couple of forms.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you have a business and you're looking to actually hire somebody for your business, you're probably

Bryan Entzminger:

going to want to create an application and go through whatever HR processes you already have in place.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

You would like to get an application up in front of a bunch of freelancers, I would recommend my friend over@stevestewart.me.

Bryan Entzminger:

He has a page designed for helping you get an application together that you can then

Bryan Entzminger:

get in front of a community of up to 8,000.

Bryan Entzminger:

Podcast editors.

Bryan Entzminger:

Steve runs a large community of podcast editors and he is able to provide these kinds of job opportunities for people.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you just go through that process, he'll get that application out there, try and cut out a lot of the dms, so that's another

Bryan Entzminger:

place that you might consider getting an application out.

Bryan Entzminger:

Hi there.

Bryan Entzminger:

I'm popping in for just a second to tell you about Boomcaster.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you're going to be recording your podcast while streaming live, either with a co-host or with guests

Bryan Entzminger:

or something like that, you're going to need a service that does that and gives you high quality

Bryan Entzminger:

recordings and Boomcaster is a great service for that.

Bryan Entzminger:

They offer an excellent live streaming experience.

Bryan Entzminger:

And super high quality audio and video recordings.

Bryan Entzminger:

So later you can edit those into your final podcast episode.

Bryan Entzminger:

You can find them at Boomcaster.com or click the link in the episode notes.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you use that, you'll also get a discount on your purchase and your purchase will benefit the show.

Bryan Entzminger:

So I'd really appreciate that.

Bryan Entzminger:

Boomcaster is what I recommend for you to capture those great recordings for your podcast.

Bryan Entzminger:

The last place I'm going to suggest that you look and I have a bit of a love hate relationship with this is

Bryan Entzminger:

a freelance website, someplace like Fiverr or Upwork, and those are the two that I'm going to suggest.

Bryan Entzminger:

Now, I mentioned that I have a bit of a love hate relationship with these, and here's the

Bryan Entzminger:

problem that I have with them a lot of times.

Bryan Entzminger:

It feels to me as a freelancer that these websites or using these websites starts to treat a freelancer

Bryan Entzminger:

as though what they do is a bit of a commodity to just kind of be bought and sold based on price alone.

Bryan Entzminger:

And the reality is that there's also an art to what we do.

Bryan Entzminger:

And so I have a bit of a philosophical thing.

Bryan Entzminger:

However, if you're looking for somebody to do a one-off project for you, And you don't want to have to go

Bryan Entzminger:

through the process of vetting a bunch of people.

Bryan Entzminger:

You just want somebody to take care of a project for you.

Bryan Entzminger:

This might be the right place for you to look, or in all honesty, if you're just looking

Bryan Entzminger:

for low price, that might be the place to go.

Bryan Entzminger:

The the challenge, of course, is that it can become a bit difficult if you want to start developing a partnership.

Bryan Entzminger:

I don't want to.

Bryan Entzminger:

Impossible, but it can start to become a little bit difficult to develop a sense of partnership with the

Bryan Entzminger:

editor or the producer that you're bringing into your show because these websites often have policies in

Bryan Entzminger:

place that keep them in the middle of the relationship.

Bryan Entzminger:

So just kind of go into it knowing that.

Bryan Entzminger:

However, it's your show and it's your choice.

Bryan Entzminger:

You're the one that has to work with this.

Bryan Entzminger:

You're the one that has to pay, and so of course, that's your choice.

Bryan Entzminger:

When you've decided where you want to look, then go through wherever it is that you're

Bryan Entzminger:

looking and start making a list of options.

Bryan Entzminger:

Maybe start a Google sheet or maybe start a document or whatever, and start listing out the contact information

Bryan Entzminger:

and the people or the businesses that you're interested in.

Bryan Entzminger:

And then do a little bit of research.

Bryan Entzminger:

Get on their website.

Bryan Entzminger:

Well, first off, do they have a website?

Bryan Entzminger:

If they're on a freelance marketplace, they may not, but do they have a website?

Bryan Entzminger:

Can you figure out what they offer?

Bryan Entzminger:

And does it appear like what they offer?

Bryan Entzminger:

We'll meet your needs now.

Bryan Entzminger:

Don't feel like you should be constrained to specifically what you're looking for.

Bryan Entzminger:

It's okay to flex up and flex down a little bit because not everybody lists everything that they have on their website.

Bryan Entzminger:

Not everything they list might be something that you need, but maybe there's a way.

Bryan Entzminger:

That you can work out something that works for you and for that person.

Bryan Entzminger:

That said, though, it is okay to be a little bit choiceful in what you do, you don't have to keep everybody on the list.

Bryan Entzminger:

This isn't a friends list.

Bryan Entzminger:

This is a list of people that you're going to invest a little bit of time in to get to know them and to understand what they

Bryan Entzminger:

offer and to evaluate which one or which ones you might want to go a little bit further in terms of knowing who they are and

Bryan Entzminger:

what they offer so you can finally make the right decision for.

Bryan Entzminger:


Bryan Entzminger:

With that said, make sure that you come back next time.

Bryan Entzminger:

Once you've got that list, it's going to be really important to have some kind of process

Bryan Entzminger:

in place to evaluate who you're talking to.

Bryan Entzminger:

And so next time we're going to start talking about some of the topics and questions that you'll probably

Bryan Entzminger:

want to cover when you're talking with an editor or producer about potentially being involved with your.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you'd like to be able to get the clarity you need in order to avoid making a hiring mistake, be sure to download our guide.

Bryan Entzminger:

15 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Podcast Editor.

Bryan Entzminger:

You can find it at HireAPodcastEditor.com/15Questions.

Bryan Entzminger:

It'll be linked up in the show notes.

Bryan Entzminger:

It's totally free.

Bryan Entzminger:

We don't require an email address or anything like that.

Bryan Entzminger:

We just want to make sure that you have the tools that you need to make the right decision for you.

Bryan Entzminger:

That guide has the questions we'll talk about on this show some instructions and.

Bryan Entzminger:

Even a place to take notes.

Bryan Entzminger:

If you want to get even more out of it though, be sure to subscribe to this show at HireAPodcastEditor.com/listen

Bryan Entzminger:

and share it with the rest of your team.

Bryan Entzminger:

Your work is important now.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Hiring a Podcast Editor
Hiring a Podcast Editor
Hire an Editor With Confidence

About your host

Profile picture for Bryan Entzminger

Bryan Entzminger

Analyst by day. Podcast editor by night. Usually caffeinated. Husband, father, Jesus-follower all the time. Cohost of Podcast Editors Mastermind and The Podcast Gauntlet.